2015年6月5日 星期五

全球Yahoo!財金網:WorldVentures Kicks Off a Market Informational Meeting in Taiwan with 8,000 Guests

WorldVentures Kicks Off a Market Informational Meeting in Taiwan with 8,000 Guests(WorldVentures在臺灣召開有8000位來賓參加的市場訊息會議

PLANO, Texas, June 3, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- WorldVentures™, the leading international direct seller of club memberships, celebrated the kick off of a Market Informational Meeting in Taiwan on Sunday, May 31, 2015. Approximately 8,000 guests, including WorldVentures executives and Independent Representatives from across Asia, attended the meeting in Taipei city. Executive VP of Sales and Business Development, Kyle Lowe, as well as the company's Asian leadership spoke at the event.(普萊諾,德克薩斯州, 2015年6月4日 - (亞太商訊) - WorldVentures(TM)是俱樂部會員資格的國際領先的直銷商慶祝2015年5月31日. 周日在台灣舉行市場訊息會議。大約有8000位來賓,包括WorldVentures高管和來自整個亞洲的獨立代表,在台北市出席了會議。銷售和業務拓展部的執行副總裁,凱爾·羅威(Kyle Lowe),以及公司在亞洲的領導在會議期間有發言。

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WorldVentures Kicks Off a Market Informational Meeting in Taiwan with 8,000 Guests - WorldVentures' team and the Three Princes dancers. From left to r...
Due to heavy participation, there were two separate celebrations coinciding with the event, which included a Three Princes Dance performance, symbolizing Taiwan's progressive culture while cherishing its timeless traditions. (由於參加人數眾多,會議期間有兩個獨立的慶祝活動,其中包括一個電音三太子舞蹈表演,象徵著台灣不斷發展的文化,同時也珍視著其永恆的傳統。
Following WorldVentures' opening of a Field Training Center in Hong Kong last October, local WorldVentures Representatives can now share their knowledge with new partners from Taiwan.(去年十月,WorldVentures實地培訓中心已經在香港開幕,當地WorldVentures代表現在可以和來自台灣的新合作夥伴分享他們的知識。)
"We were impressed by the massive participation at the Taiwan kick-off celebrations," Co-founder and Chief Visionary Officer Wayne Nugent said. "We knew about the rising demand for our club membership and business opportunity in Taiwan, but this vastly exceeds our expectations. We're honored to provide our Representatives in this new market with the right tools to excel personally and professionally."    (“我們對台灣的開幕慶典活動的大規模參與印象深刻,”聯合創始人兼首席願景官,韋恩·紐金特(Wayne Nugent)說。“我們知道對我們俱樂部會員資格和商業機會在台灣有不斷增長的需求,但這大大超出了我們的預期。我們很榮幸能為我們在這個新市場的代表提供合適的工具,以便他們發揮個人特長和專業技能。”
About WorldVentures
WorldVentures is the leading international direct seller of club memberships and helps people achieve more fun, freedom and fulfillment. WorldVentures Marketing, LLC is a privately held company based in Plano, Texas, with active Representatives and members in 28 markets and operates in Taiwan through WorldVentures Taiwan Ltd. For more information, please visitwww.worldventures.com.(關於WorldVentures
WorldVentures是度假俱樂部會員業的國際領先的直銷公司,幫助人們實現更多的樂趣、自由和成就感。WorldVentures行銷有限責任公司是一家總部設在德克薩斯州的普萊諾私人控股公司,在 28個國家都有活躍的代表和會員,在台灣通過WorldVentures台灣有限公司運營。欲瞭解更多資訊,請訪問www.worldventures.com。
Media Contacts:
Jasmine Ma
General Manager WorldVentures Taiwan
Laura Wards
Global Marketing Communications Director
WorldVentures Holdings
(972) 805-5154
賈斯敏·馬(Jasmine Ma)
蘿拉·沃茲(Laura Wards)
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